Good Day,
I know that it's been over a year since I've last posted an entry. SO much has happened since my last post. But honestly, I was emotionally exhausted. I don't need to recant 2020 as far as the U.S. and world events, but there was an onslaught of reckoning that happened in my personal life. Let's just say, I began to see and hear people for who they truly are. 2020 gave me a perfect vision as to not allowing me to romanticize relationships anymore. Accepting people as they are and making the HARD decision that I would honor and love myself more than be a doormat for the sake of a relationship that I'm SUPPOSED to have. As I entered into 2021, I was hopeful but extremely broken, truthfully I was heartbroken. To put it into context, I now understand and completely empathize with David and Joseph of the Old Testament and I also rejoice in their victory. 2021 has been a year of healing and rebirth for me. Meaning that through my healing from past hurts and family betrayal, God has begun to restructure me. THese betrayals really broke me and I continued to cry out " Why are they doing this to me?" But as I gathered the strength to walk away from relationships that were toxic and deadly to my peace, GOd began heal me.
God is a GOd of RESTORATION, HEALING, PROVIDING, LOVE, INTEGRITY, PEACE, ....I could go on and on. GOd used his Holy SPirit to reveal to me that these people that I called family were in HIS place in my life and heart and HE needed to strip me and show me, me and their heart for me ( which is idolatry). THhou shalt have no other gods before me- Exodus 20:3. If these family members had not betrayed me , I know for sure that My relationship with THE FATHER would not be where it is today had they not rejected me. I must add that my relationship with GOd is an ever evolving and growing relationship. What was meant to harm me, turned out to be for my good!!! Genesis 50:20- You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,the saving of many lives. So I thank you, God for allowing my relatives to do what they did because they've catapulted me to a deeper and closer relationship with THE LORD! As I type this, I know that God is and has restored me. My heart is so full of Joy! I will say that, Just because you share DNA with people doesn't make them family! GOd has revealed to me who my family is and these people know who they are! Sometimes when you are going through some rough patches in life GOd will strategically place the right people in your life to walk along side of you to bear witness, to show you that HE is here and that He loves you.
Healing is a process and there are still some parts of me that are still very tender, however I know that GOd is doing his mighty work onme and in me. THere is always room for me to grow in every area of my life. But, As God as my Witness, I will spend the rest of my life or until Jesus comes back, That I will honorThe LOrd with my whole being. I know that this is a music blog but I had to share my journey. To all of my subscribers, Future subscribers, enemies, and random trollers.... MAy the ONE and TRUE Living GOD, The HOly Spirit, ANd JESUS CHRIST( The SON of GOD), reach in and touch your heart and soul, restore what is broken in your life and heart, heal all of broken places in you that you don't speak of, May you NOT use your life, words, and actions to spew hate, hurt, lies, or harm on yourself or any individual. May you all know what it means to really know and Love GOD. May the Holy Spirit Guide you and may you listen to His gentle Voice. May you allow GOd to give you the courage to fix and make right, the wrongs you've created , may you forgive yourself and others. Last but But Least, If you don't know The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, may He soften your heart to want to discover what it means to have a relationship with JESUS CHRIST. In Jesus Name I Pray!
Without further adieu, here are the songs that got me through when I had no words to pray, and all I could do was cry. These songs ministered to my soul and they were prayers when I couldn't, God always provides!